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Gao Haige, who高海戈

祖籍安徽蚌埠,1970年生于山东青岛,成长于北京.从小受家庭影响,酷爱艺术,并跟随父亲学习绘画.90年代进入广告界,成为中国第一批广告人.1995年和朋友一起开办了一默平面设计公司。1996年在中国中央电视台广告部五指峰公司任平面设计部经理.参加了许多大型活动的设计和策划。其平面作品在全国获得过奖项。2001年成立了自己的电视脚本绘制公司,从事于影视的前期,后期制作.作品曾在著名的香港龙吟榜中获奖,2005年受聘于中国2008年奥运会组委会,任视觉艺术总监.2006年毅然辞去一切社会活动. 开始潜心艺术创作.

was born in Qingdao in 1970, showed special interest in drawing and painting from the beginning of introduction by his father. He was grown in Beijing with strong influence of his family especially his father whose original home is in Bangbu, Anhui.

Gao Haige started his career in Advertising Industry in 1990s when he belonged to the first generation in devoting in this industry:

1995: Launched a graphic designing company with friends;

1996: Worked as the Graphic Designing Manager in Graphic Designing Office, Wuzhifeng Co,. Ltd, Advertising Department,CCTV.

During this period, he took p

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版权所有:威海品艺堂  地址:山东威海市环翠区顺河街200号105室 邮编:264200   联系人:朱先生 手机:13869099998
电话:0631-5899998  传真:0631-5221964  电子邮箱:zhushiguke@126.com  鲁ICP备08000861号-1
推荐画家:史国良 范扬 高泉  PV:10699195